What billing and payment options does PowerNext offer?
If you are not set up on Autopay, you can make a payment online as a one time payment or via your
My Account portal. Mail in check or money orders can also be sent to PO Box 734377, Dallas TX 75373-4377.
How will I receive my bill?
We are happy to offer electronic billing and will be delivering your monthly invoice to the e-mail address you have established on your account. We encourage you to check your SPAM folder and make sure customercare@mypowernext.com is added to your address book. If you're missing invoices, you can always see your invoice history on
My Account or call Customer Care. Mail-invoicing is an option available for select plans.
How will I be notified when my online bill is ready?
You will receive an e-mail notification when your invoice has generated.
Where can I view my current and past bills?
You can always see your current or past invoices online on your My Account portal.
In which format are my current and previous bills?
All online bills are in Adobe Reader (PDF) format.
Which credit or debit cards are accepted?
We only accept credit or debit cards. (MasterCard, Visa and Discover)
Can I save my payment information so I don’t have to reenter it each time I pay my bill?
Yes you may save your payment information in your online account, you may also set up autopay.
How can I tell if my payment went through?
You can check the status of each payment by going to
My Account > Previous Payments.
What if I am unable to make a payment before it’s due date?
We do offer deferred payment plans and are happy to discuss the option that best fits your need. Please e-mail customercare@mypowernext.com or call 888-853-5141 for more information.
How do I request a payment extension or deferred payment?
Eligibility for an extension or deferred payment plan is based on your payment history, active service period, and account status.
Can I cancel AutoPay?
If you have a concern about AutoPay, please feel free to reach out to Customer Care to cancel. If you are enrolled in an E-Plan (electronic plan) your plan does require AutoPay, and we are happy to discuss available options.
Can I choose the date my online payment is drafted from my bank account?
No. Your AutoPay will draft on the date the invoice is due.
Why does the current amount due shown online not match my paper bill?
The amount due shown on your
My Account is more current and may reflect payments or charges made to your account that occurred since you were last billed.
Where can I find my PowerNext account number?
Your account number is located on your bill.
Where can I find my ESI ID?
Your ESI ID (electric service identifier) is a unique 17- or 22-digit number given to an electricity delivery point in the ERCOT market. You can find it on your monthly electric bill and in your online account.To find your ESI ID online:
Log in to My Account.
Go to your My Account dashboard and see your ESI ID under the Account Details box.
Your ESI ID is referenced as Utility Account/ESIID
Can I set up more than one email address for my profile, so that more than one person can get notifications of bill payments, etc.?
No, only one email address can be designated to receive notifications from online account transactions.
What are the benefits of enrolling in AutoPay?
You can relax knowing your bill will be paid for you every month, without lifting a finger. You can also forget about writing checks, buying stamps, keeping track of due dates and incurring late fees.
How do I set up my credit card or bank account for AutoPay?
Log in to your My Account, click the Set Up AutoPay button.

What is a base charge?
Base Charge is a charge assessed during each billing cycle of service without regard to the customer’s demand or energy consumption.
What are TDU delivery charges?
TDU Delivery Charges are the total amounts assessed by a TDU for the delivery of electricity to a customer over poles and wires and other TDU facilities not including discretionary charges.
Is there an early termination fee?
Different plans have different early termination fees based on seasonality and overall risk. Early termination fees are listed on you EFL and contract summary.
How much does PowerNext charge for late fees?
5% of past due balance.
What’s a deferred payment plan?
A Deferred Payment Plan is an agreement between the Retail Electric Provider and a customer that allows a customer to pay an outstanding balance in up to 5 installments that extend beyond the due date of the current bill and avoid disconnection of service for the past due balance. Customer agrees to have a switch-hold placed on the account and during the curse of this payment plan, customer is required to pay the current invoice and the agreed upon installment amount on time, every month until the plan has been successfully fulfilled. Failure to make a payment on time each month will default the “DPP” and the standard collection procedures will begin on the account.
What is a “Switch-Hold”?
A switch-hold means that you will not be able to buy electricity from other companies until you pay the total deferred balance. If we put a switch-hold on your account, it will be removed after your deferred balance is paid and processed. While a switch-hold applies, if you are disconnected for not paying, you will need to pay us to get your electricity turned back on.
Am I eligible for a Deferred Payment Plan?
To qualify for a deferred payment plan, a - Customer must not have defaulted more than 1 time under a previous deferred payment plan with Company or have not received more than two (2) disconnection notices in the last twelve (12) billing cycles. Customer must be in a past due status. Customer needs at least three (3) billing cycles of payment history with Company prior to qualifying for a deferred payment plan. Deferred payment plans are available all year round.
Can I still be disconnected if I’m on a Deferred Payment Plan?
If you fail to make payments on your account, you will be in default under the terms of your deferred payment plan agreement and you are eligible for disconnection. If you are disconnected for not paying, you will need to make a full payment to get your electricity turned back on.
How do I sign up for a Deferred Payment Plan?
Please e-mail customercare@mypowernext.com or call 888-853-5141 for more information.
How much is due if a Deferred Payment Plan defaults?
If your DPP agreement defaults, the remaining DPP agreement amount will be included in your next invoice and the entire balance will be due on that invoice due date.